After experiencing ups and downs, the course of striving of Zhejiang University over 120 years has condensed the sweat of truth seekers as well as the love of itsalumni and all walks of society for education.
Zhejiang University Education Foundation (ZJUEF) is nation-wide private placement foundation approved by Chinese Ministry of Education and registered at the Ministry of Civil Affairs in July 2006. Her predecessor was “Zhejiang University Zhu Kezhen Education Foundation” registered at Department of Civil Affairs of Zhejiang Province in March 1994. In July 2015, ZJUEF was conferred“Chinese Social Organization Evaluation Class 5A” by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. In March 2017, it was affirmed by the Ministry of Civil affairs as acharity organization. The foundation accepts donation from all sectors of the society and the funds is mainly used in teaching, scientific research, talent recruitment, external exchange of Zhejiang University as well as campus capital construction, scholarship and student subsidies, student activities and other projects related to teaching or social public interest.
“Gather streams from everywhere to nurture the great cause of education”. In its future development, Zhejiang University will still need the concern and support fromits alumni and all sectors of the society. ZJUEF is willing to act as the“bridge and bond” between donors and Zhejiang University, strengthen their mutual information exchange, manage well the donation programs, and meanwhile actively expand and absorb social resources, pay attention to education and society to make a greater contribution to the development of China’s cause ofscience and education and social public interest!