On April 29, Guangdong Guoqiang Foundation donatedto the Zhejiang University Education Foundation (ZUEF) to extend their bestwishes to the medical staff of the affiliated hospitals of our University’sSchool of Medicine who went to Hubei Province to combat COVID-19. ZhangYuanchuan, Executive Vice President of Country Garden Group (Zhejiang Region),Chen Jianhua, Vice President of Country Garden Group (Zhejiang Region), ShenLiyong, Secretary-General of the ZUEF, and Chen Guozhong, Deputy Secretary of theCPC Committee of the School of Medicine attended the ceremony. Gu Yulin, DeputySecretary-General of the ZUEF, presided over the ceremony.
In his speech, Shen Liyong said that after theoutbreak of COVID-19, Zhejiang University implemented the importantinstructions of the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council,concentrated its efforts, acted swiftly, and actively participated in the mainbattlefield of medical treatment and disease prevention. He shared the workcarried out by Zhejiang University, its affiliated hospitals, and the ZUEF inthe fight against the pandemic. In this fight, the members of ZhejiangUniversity displayed their patriotism with actions and accumulated the “ZhejiangUniversity Experience” and created the “Zhejiang University Program”,demonstrating the professional responsibility of the “National Team”. ShenLiyong said that Country Garden Group is a responsible enterprise as itactively assumes social responsibilities in its growth and made numerousdonations to support the fight against the pandemic. Country Garden Group is anold friend of our University as the two parties have had in-depth cooperationin artificial intelligence, intelligent manufacturing and the development ofcore robot components. This time, Guoqiang Foundation has once again displayedtheir dedication of love by extending best wishes to our University’s medicalstaff. We are deeply grateful and we will pass this love onto every medicalstaff without delay.
Zhang Yuanchuan stated that the menacing pandemic thisyear has caught everyone by surprise. In the face of the pandemic, CountryGarden Group has adhered to the concept of "hoping that society willbecome better with our existence" and has actively joined the rescue line.The Group has sought to do everything possible by combining its own advantagesand donating large sums of money and supplies. The group has also beenconcerned about the medical staff fighting on the front line. The medical staffof Zhejiang University’s affiliated hospitals are duty-bound and willing totake the initiative to offer assistance and overcome difficulties to take upthe major task of assisting Wuhan. We have been deeply touched and filled with admirationsby these most beautiful “angels in harm’s way”. This donation represents theheart of the Group, and the Group would like to express its sincere respect andgratitude to them.
Song Jianping, Deputy Director of the NursingDepartment of the Second Affiliated Hospital of the School of Medicine and headof nursing of Zhejiang Second Medical Team to Hubei, spoke as a representativeof the frontline medical workers in the combat against the pandemic. Sheemotionally reviewed the journey of the medical staff, from the active requestof the medical staff, the emergency formation of the aid team, the ready-madeexpedition, to reorganizing the system, adjusting the mentality, and returninghome in a triumphant way. In this process, there were many acts of bravery andhard work that have been left unspoken. Song Jianping said that the medicalteam comprised of mostly those born in the 1980s and 1990s. They have grownrapidly in just two months, which reflects the courage and responsibility ofyoung people in the new era. There have been many touching stories. On the eve of our departure day, Lv Minfang, HeadNurse of the Gastroenterology Department, wrote a farewell poem entitled “ISent My Youngest Child to the Battlefield” which has brought tears to countlessnumber of people; A young nurse who had just started work made a list of herfew savings for her parents before departure…all the people who listened weredeeply moved to tears. Prior to departure, Ren Shaobo, Secretary of theUniversity CPC Committee earnestly asked everyone to “assist as much aspossible and protect themselves”. In the end, everyone lived up to the CPC andthe people, the University and the hospital, and carried through the tasks withquality and quantity assured. Everyone returned safely. On behalf of all themedical staff who have been fighting on the front line, Song Jianping expressedgratitude to the University for providing timely support and assistance to themedical team during the fight against COVID-19, and expressed sincere gratitudeto Country Garden Group. She said that after returning, she will sum up her experiencesand share her wisdom as soon as possible. In the future, she will live up to theexpectations, turn the care and support from all sectors of society intomotivation and continue fighting. She will manifest the spirit of defyinghardships and working hard accumulated in the fight in her daily work andcontinue to contribute to the battle.
This ceremony was attended by relevant executivesfrom Country Garden Group (Zhejiang Region), caring volunteers of the Zhejiang RegionalBranch of China Garden Group Volunteer Association, as well as representativesfrom the University’s School of Medicine, Development Liaison Office, FirstAffiliated Hospital, Second Affiliated Hospital and Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital.After the ceremony, with the help of caring volunteers from the ZhejiangRegional Branch of China Garden Group Volunteer Association, a gift packagefull of edible mushrooms was sent to the affiliated hospitals without delay.