On April 10, 2019, Election of the Councilof Zhejiang University Education Foundation and the 1st PlenarySession of 3rd Council was held in Nano Building of ZijingangCampus, Zhejiang University. REN Shaobo, Secretary of the CPC Committee,President WU Zhaohui, directors and supervisors of the Foundation attended themeeting chaired by Vice President LUO Weidong.
The attendees listened to and reviewed thework report of HU Weizuo, General Secretary of the second Council, reviewed andapproved the revised draft of Regulationsof Zhejiang University Education Foundation, according to which the thirdCouncil was elected and WANG Lizhong, SHI Yiming, YE Min, YE Guifang, BAO Dihong,ZHU Shiqiang, REN Shaobo, WU Xiaocheng, LIU Jirong, XU Xuan, LI Fengwang, YINGBiao, SHEN Liyong, CHEN Kunsong, LUO Weidong, LUO Jianhong, ZHAO Jian, HU Wei,HU Zhengyu and FU Qiang were elected as members; REN Shaobo, Chairman of theCouncil, LUO Weidong, Vice Chairman and SHEN Liyong, General Secretary.
The meeting voted to keep the formerHonorary Chairman LU Yongxiang and appoint WU Zhaohui as Consultant, LUOYongjiang and HU Suying supervisors.
REN Shaobo, the new Chairman, firstextended gratitude to the second Council, and then pointed out the support ofthe strong Foundation was integral to the development of a modern world-classuniversity, which was the wind indicator of a university’s development, and a markto judge whether a university is first-class, whether it is recognized by allwalks of life and whether it can be a truly great university.
He indicated the Education Foundationshould keep growing bigger and stronger in terms of first-class standards andservices, and he expressed his expectations for the new Council. Firstly, themanagement should be carried out in accordance with provisions of law andscience. As for scientific management, systems and mechanisms should beconstantly optimized and improved and when it comes to internal mechanism, boldactions need to be taken to innovate and motivate initiatives in many aspects.The second is to improve the return rates of capital with active and prudentmeasures, strengthen risk prevention and steadily increase profits with a focuson the balance of risks and returns. Thirdly, members of the Council arerequired to uphold traditions of Zhejiang University and fully play their roleswith due diligence in promoting the sound development of the Foundation.