Not long after the launch of the Yangtze River DeltaResearch University Alliance, the first Yangtze River Delta Zhongying YoungScholars Forum was held on Zijingang campus, Zhejiang University from June 1 to2. Participating scholars shared and exchanged their ideas and thoughts on the publicwelfare of education.
At the opening ceremony, Academician Wu Zhaohui,President of Zhejiang University, and Xu Xiaochun, Executive President of the CyrusTang Foundation, delivered their speeches. Luo Weidong, Vice President ofZhejiang University presided over the ceremony. Zhang Hongjian, DeputySecretary of the CPC Committee and Vice President of Zhejiang University,presented the forum souvenirs to the Cyrus Tang Foundation on behalf of theUniversity.
In his speech, Wu Zhaohui reviewed the deepfriendship between Zhejiang University and the Cyrus Tang Foundation over thepast 20 years. He said that in the past 20 years, the two parties have built astrategic alliance to serve society, become friendly partners with win-wincooperation, and established a model of connotative development in the era. Hepointed out that in the face of major changes that have been unseen over thepast century, China has been seeking greater reform and opening up, and hasplanned an integrated development strategy in the Yangtze River Delta gearedtowards the future. The youth are the ones who accelerate the progress of thetimes and promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. Hehopes that young scholars will give full play to the advantages of aggregationand linkage, and strive to become senior service providers of socialtransformation and development. Young scholars should work diligently to meetthe needs of collaborative innovation, be involved in creating a highland ofinnovation and development, strengthen the role of leaders and motivators, and promotethe open cooperation of higher education.
Xu Xiaochun said that Mr. Tang Zhongying has worked allhis life painstakingly for his business, and his first consideration after havinga successful career was to do something meaningful for the society. Thefoundation is where Mr. Tang has devoted all his life for, and the acts that itcarries out are his lifetime wishes and ideals. In reviewing the formation ofthe Zhongying Young Scholars Program, she said that doing a good job in publicwelfare requires us to do things step by step and focus on what can be done. “Asuccessful life does not lie in the accumulation of wealth or knowledge, but inwhether you can do your best to contribute to society.” She expressed her hope ofeveryone working together and cooperating to pass on the ideals of publicwelfare to generations of people.
To encourage outstanding young talents to be devotedto teaching and research, and stimulate innovative vitality, with the fundingof the Cyrus Tang Foundation, each school has implemented the “Zhongying YoungScholars” funding project based on its own characteristics. During the forum,the participating Zhongying young scholars researched and presented theinnovative designs of public welfare projects in teams, and visited the ZhejiangUniversity History Museum and the Cultural Heritage Research Institute ofZhejiang University.
In his speech at the closing ceremony, Luo Weidongsaid that thanks to everyone’s hard work and discussions, the two-day forum hascome to a successful conclusion with unique features and high standards. Mr.Tang Zhongying is a moral model in everyone’s heart. His philanthropy has offeredguidance and enlightenment for every Zhongying young scholar. It is hopedeveryone can take a more solid step in the future of public welfare.
At the closing ceremony of the forum, Zhang Ansheng,Vice President of Shanghai Jiaotong University, took the torch of the forumfrom Zhejiang University. The 2nd Yangtze River Delta ZhongyingYoung Scholars Forum will be held at Shanghai Jiaotong University.
The above-mentioned activities were also attended by the Cyrus TangFoundation’s guest Ye Zhou Meimei, Executive Director Liang Weigong, CenterDirector Cheng Wencheng and Project Director Zhu Li, as well as the heads ofrelevant departments, schools and faculties of Zhejiang University.