--The 15th Meeting of the Boardof Directors of Junsheng Education Foundation for Poverty-stricken Students ofZhejiang University and in Memory of Mr. Zhang Junsheng
Themeeting, chaired by Mr. Bu Fanxiao, Chairman of the Junsheng EducationFoundation, was held at Zijingang Hall of Alumni Activity Center, ZijingangCampus on December 21, 2018. Those present included some directors of JunshengFoundation, leaders of relevant departments of Zhejiang University andsubsidized students.
SunXudong, Secretary-General of the Junsheng Foundation and Secretary of theDisciplinary Committee of the China Academy of Art, reported on the financialsupport to students as well as revenueand expenditure. The board members expressed opinions on the structure, typeand brand image of the Foundation. Chairman Bu Fanxiao made a speech on itsfuture development.
Atthe meeting, the representatives and individuals of donors in 2018 were granteddonation certificates, new directors appointment letters.
ProfessorZhang Junsheng, Honorary Director of the Foundation, passed away in February,2018. In the commemoration of Prof. Zhang, the participants promised theirdetermination to inherit and continue his career and his love to the society.
Withgratitude, four students financed by the Foundation recited the poem by Prof.Zhang Junsheng, “Communism is my ideal, Premier Zhou Enlai, my model.Comforting myself with smiles years later, I should say rosy clouds are allover the sky”, which clearly shows his obligations to the motherland andhis deep attachment to the nation.
Atpresent, there is about 36.5 million yuan in Junsheng Foundation, and 2,978person/times have been financed a total amount of 10.869 million yuan since itssetting up.