MrAntony Leung Kam-chung, President and Chief Executive Officer of Nan FungGroup, former Financial Secretary of HK Special Administrative Region, with adelegation of Hong Kong enterprises paid a visit to Zhejiang University onNovember 10. Wu Zhaohui, President of Zhejiang University, and the heads ofsome departments met with them on Zijingang Campus.
Thedelegation members are senior executives from big enterprises in HK, such asNan Fung Group, New Power Group and Johnson Electric. They exchanged views withZJU on such issues as AI application and manufacturing of intelligent motors.
Inhis report, Wu Zhaohui said AI is currently experiencing a new wave ofdevelopment, and its research paradigm is changing from mathematical todata-based model to facilitate its entry into different fields; AI, as atechnology applied in industry, should be integrated with industry and become akey means to optimize performance and improve efficiency. Meanwhile, it isnecessary to emphasize the impact of AI on the society, the manifestation of AIand its easier entry into our lives.
MrAntony Leung Kam-chung said the visiting entrepreneurs were not onlyexperienced in electrical machinery, e-commerce and trade, real estate,biotechnology and pharmaceuticals but very much concerned about talentcultivation. Two of them used to serve as chairmen of Hong Kong University GrantsCommittee, and he believed that, in knowledge and innovation economy, talenttraining is the most important. He expressed hopes for further cooperation withZhejiang University.
Thedelegation visited the Museum of ZJU History and the International DesignInstitute, accompanied by some heads of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan AffairsOffice and the Office of Development & Liaison, ZJU.