OnNovember 9, 2018, the ceremony of Greentown China donating to ZhejiangUniversity and Zhejiang Normal University was held at the headquarters ofGreentown Group in Huanglong Century Plaza. It is the 17th year thatthe Greentown Education Foundation was established in ZJU.
Thosepresent at the ceremony included Du Ping, Vice President of Greentown China,Wang Zheng, Executive General Manager of Greentown China Administration Center,Zuo Bing, Director of Greentown Charity as well as Director Wu Xiaocheng,Deputy Director Ye Ting of Student Affairs of CPC Committee, Su Hongbin, DeputyDean of School of Humanities, Dang Ying, Deputy Secretary-General of ZhejiangUniversity Education Foundation, Xie Hongmei, Deputy Director of CareerDevelopment Center of ZJU. In addition, Zhu Jian, Vice Secretary of the CPCCommittee, and Lu Yingchun, Director of Student Affairs of Zhejiang NormalUniversity were also present.
At the ceremony, Du Ping,also a graduate of College of Media and International Culture of ZJU expressedthe firm belief of Greentown China in maintaining its initial aspiration andcultivating students. Then, on behalf of Greentown China, he made donations toZhejiang University and Zhejiang Normal University, whose leaders presentedtheir donation certificates. Dang Ying conveyed appreciation to them andexpected more cooperation between Greentown and Zhejiang University.Subsequently, student representatives expressed sincere gratitude to GreentownChina and promised they would work harder to repay its benevolence. Finally,students and teachers had heated discussions on such issues as helping andeducating students, student career and development and future cooperation.